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All Classes
  • Generate Power

    In this class, we'll use our bodies and different movement strategies to generate power. Hopefully you'll be able to feel a sense of lightness and ease when you connect to your own sense of power. Enjoy!


  • Stand Tall & Deliver

    In this class, we'll focus on maintaining the essence of a neutral spine throughout so that we can stand tall and deliver the movements we ask of ourselves. Expect a fair amount of balance and coordination while getting taller, lighter, and more connected along the way. Enoy!


  • Make Me A Believer

    This class will make you a believer in this style of movement. Movement is medicine. Keep moving and moving well. Enjoy!

  • Hips Back, Knees Forward

    In this class, we will focus on the cue "hips back, knees forward" to help create a good hinging action. Proper hip hinging strategies are key to good movement. And although it is important to hinge well at the hips, we want to energetically reach forward through the knees, which can help improve...

  • Slings & Arrows

    In this class, we'll work with a lot of diagonal movements. And we'll think about the fascial slings that run from opposite shoulder to opposite hip across the body. Our bodies are designed to move diagonally, so you may find this quite pleasing for your body. Enjoy!

  • Connection to Center

    In this class, we shorten our lever arms by working primarily with bent elbows and knees throughout to allow for pulling of our energy into the center of our body, our core. Notice how working with bent limbs allows you to focus your energy on moving well from your center, so that you can feel mo...

  • Shine Your Light Bright

    In this class, we will envision shining a light out of our sternum to help improve our posture and movement patterns around the mat. Maybe you've noticed that when your sternum drops down, you assume a slumped posture. Well, not in this class. We'll use awareness of the sternum to refine our move...

  • I like it, I love it - I want some more of it

    When we have a movement practice that is working well for us, we feel great from doing it. That's the hope anyway. In this class, we move in ways that are both accessible and fun so that you can feel your best. Enjoy!

  • What Do You Want From Me?

    In this class, you have the opportunity to ask yourself "what do you want from me?" This is a good conversation to be engaged in during any movement practice so that you can take care of yourself. I view this as a self-care practice. And it is practices like these that allow me to then ask the wo...

  • Embrace the Wiggle

    I was inspired to write this class by an exchange I had with a physical therapist who I have observed doing a fair amount of wiggling when he does his movement practice. When I inquired as to why, he explained the benefits of wiggling and they are too good not to explore in a larger context in th...

  • Bottoms Up

    In this class, we will work on a bottoms-up breathing strategy. When you inhale, ideally, both your thoracic and pelvic diaphragm descend and they both ascend on the exhale. We will focus on a 360º inhale, expanding the ribs in all directions, and a bottoms-up exhale to promote good shoulder mech...

  • Accessible Backbends

    If you’re curious to learn more about how to backbend sustainably and practice backbends that are accessible to everyone, this is the class for you. Yoga can be a pretty backbend-heavy movement practice. Yet, not all backbends are for everybody. I was never a backbend fan until I learned how to b...

  • As Luck Would Have It

    In this class, we'll be working on both hip mobility and stability, probably one of the most popular topics in yoga. We'll do a lot of work to help you feel great in your hips in this class. Enjoy!

  • Opportunity for Repatterning

    Every movement practice is an opportunity for repatterning... for focused work on optimizing your movement strategies. This class is full of fun and functional movements that are great for your body and mind. Enjoy!

  • Hinge Point Reduction

    When we extend the spine, movement at the front bottom ribs can often lead to an unwanted hinge-point in the spine where we rather unintentionally move repeatedly, potentially putting the spine at risk. In this class, we will work to keep the ribs integrated, which will help minimize the repeated...

  • Along for the Ride

    Sometimes life is easier if we are just along for the ride. In this class, fight less and do more so you can move more and feel better. Enjoy!

  • Weightless in the Wrists: Balance Challenge

    Don’t let wrist or elbow pain hold you back from getting in a strong practice! In this class, we’ll stay off the wrists so you can give yourself the break you might need, but not let it keep you from moving in challenging ways around your mat. There will be some added balance challenges to help y...

  • Teamwork

    In this class, we will try to see our body as a team. Throughout the class, the goal is to get your team operating more optimally. As that occurs, your movements should become more smooth and accessible. Some days this goal is more achievable than others. But this practice can help you on that jo...

  • The Hamstring-Tricep Connection

    In this class, we'll use our hamstrings (on the backs of the thighs) and triceps (on the backs of the upper arms) to create more strength, stability, and connection in the body so that we can move with more ease. There are some mirrored actions performed by these two muscle groups and it's fun t...

  • Keep Your Fire Burning

    Keep your own inner fire burning by working on keeping "the stack" in your practice today. The stack is equivalent to a neutral spine and pelvis, where the ribcage is stacked over the pelvis. We will use the cue "ribs back and sternum up", often with tactile feedback, to accomplish this task. Enj...

  • OM - the humming class

    This is quite the interesting and wonderful class! Throughout the class, I will be asking you to hum on your exhales. Humming is a wonderful technique to help us not over-effort and bring more awareness to our nervous system and diaphragm position and function. Push your boundaries a little and l...

  • It’ll Be Alright

    Here's the hope... that everything will be alright if we just keep moving, breathing, feeling, and thinking. Sometimes the yoga mat is the only place where that seems to be the case. And other times, not so much. But continuing to move is essential, when we can. Enjoy!

  • Don’t Stop Movin’

    One key thing in life is to not stop moving. There are many reasons why moving may become more challenging at various points, but we have to keep it moving as best we can. And there are lots of strategies to do so. In this class, we make sure to move our bodies in a variety of ways and in all dif...

  • Skill in Action

    Yoga is skill in action! In this class, practice honing your skills through dedication to your practice. This class is full of fun and functional movement that is just different enough to keep you fully engaged and fully present.

  • What is this crazy thing called self-love?

    The title of this class was inspired by a Cole Porter song, my favorite American songwriter. Think about all the things you do in your life in the name of self-love, including this practice, and honor those as you move around the mat today! Self-love isn't always easy, but it is certainly worth t...