Buoy Your Breath
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In this short but fun class, be buoyed by your breath as you move around your mat. Let your breath be your guide to help you in feeling light and easy. Imagine that your breath is helping buoy you along in your movements and play with how you breathe as you move. Notice the impact your breath can have on your movement and your life.
Up Next in All Classes
Contained But Not Constrained
This class is designed to move your body all around the mat and in a variety of ways to have you feeling great, but not without leaving the confines of your mat. So you'll be contained in a small practice space, but not feel constrained by it. Perfect for when you don't have a lot of extra room b...
Wind to Unwind
In this class, we'll pay closer attention to the tension we feel as we move. Bumping up against that tension is an opportunity to create more space. The continual winding and unwinding of our issues, including muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, etc., will produce a greater sense of ease and cal...
Generate Power
In this class, we'll use our bodies and different movement strategies to generate power. Hopefully you'll be able to feel a sense of lightness and ease when you connect to your own sense of power. Enjoy!