Saddle Up
All Classes
1h 0m
In this fun class, we'll saddle up to the practice at hand by making space in the hips. We'll do a move called the "giddy up" to simulate getting on a horse. It should leave you feeling ready to saddle up to anything your life requires of you.
Up Next in All Classes
Catch & Release
In this class, we'll be catching different parts of our bodies to release tension in the tissues, often with our hands. So we'll create a drag on the tissue which allows for more space to be created when we release it. You should feel a sense of spaciousness and ease by the end. Enjoy!
In the Light of the Half Moon
In this class, we'll tackle the pose half moon. We'll work with refining the component parts of the pose, including opening the chest, balance, and getting the outer hips to fire to both stabilize and lift the pose. We'll explore how to make the pose, and variations thereof, lighter and brighter ...
Room to Breathe
In this class, we'll be creating more space for our lungs to expand. We'll focus on opening up the space around the ribcage through flexion and extension, rotation, and side bending. You'll notice how freeing up this area of the body has an effect on the whole system. Enjoy!