Hello Hamstrings

Hello Hamstrings

In this class, I encourage you to pay more attention to your hamstrings. The hamstrings, located on the backs of the thighs, attach to the pelvis at the sit bones (the bony protrusions at the base of the pelvis). When we contract the hamstrings they have the capacity to both move and stabilize the pelvis. This can simplify the process of finding a natural pelvis and keeping it as we move about on our mats. Ideally, we want strong and supple hamstrings that help us feel powerful and balanced. We'll work to achieve that today. Enjoy!


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Hello Hamstrings
  • Hello Hamstrings

    In this class, I encourage you to pay more attention to your hamstrings. The hamstrings, located on the backs of the thighs, attach to the pelvis at the sit bones (the bony protrusions at the base of the pelvis). When we contract the hamstrings they have the capacity to both move and stabilize th...